Business Regulatory Framework


             WHAT IS BUSINESS REGULATORY                                  FRAMEWORK. 

A regulatory framework can have varying meanings, but it commonly pertains to tax information, necessary regulations and other important information, like relevant rules, laws and regulatory bodies. Regulatory frameworks are important tools for businesses that are about to launch because these frameworks outline the measures of burden new businesses must be aware of when they begin to establish their enterprises.

                   Some important definitions 

                   According to Indian contract act 1872
      Indian Contract Act, 1872
Indian Contract Act 1872 is the main source of law regulating contracts in India.

Enacted byImperial Legislative Council 
Date enacted25 April 1872
Date commenced1 September 1872

1. Offer(i.e. Proposal) [section 2(a)]:-When person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of the other person to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal.
Classification of Offer
1. General Offer: Which is made to public in general.
2. Special Offer: Which is made to a definite person.
3. Cross Offer: Exchange of identical offer in ignorance of each other.
4. Counter Offer: Modification and Variation of Original offer.
5. Standing, Open or Continuing Offer: Which is open for a specific period of time. The offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer. Invitation to offer "An invitation to offer" is only a circulation of an invitation to make an offer, it is an attempt to induce offers and precedes a definite offer. Acceptance of an invitation to an offer does not result in formation of a contract and only an offer emerges in the process of negotiation. A statement made by a person who does not intend to bound by it but, intends to further act, is an invitation to offer.

2. Acceptance 2(b):- When the person to whom the proposal is made, signifies his assent there to, the proposal is said to be accepted.

1. Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified. If the parties are not in ad idem on all matters concerning the offer and acceptance, there is no valid contract. For example "A" says to "B" "I offer to sell my car fror Rs.50,000/-. "B" replies "I will purchase it for Rs.45,000/-". This is not acceptance and hence it amounts to a counter offer.
2. It should be Communicated to the offeror. To conclude a contract between parties, the acceptance must be communicated in some prescribed form. A mere mental determination on the part of offeree to accept an offer does not amount to valid acceptance.
3. Acceptance must be in the mode prescribed. If the acceptance is not according to the mode prescribed or some usual and reasonable mode(where no mode is prescribed) the offeror may intimate to the offeree within a reasonable time that acceptance is not according to the mode prescribed and may insist that the offer be accepted in the prescribed mode only. If he does not inform the offeree, he is deemed to have accepted the offer. For example "A" makes an offer to "B" says to "B" that "if you accept the offer, reply by voice. "B" sends reply by post. It will be a valid acceptance, unless "A" informs "B" that the acceptance is not according to the prescribed mode.
4. Acceptance must be given within a reasonable time before the offer lapses. If any time limit is specified, the acceptance must be given within the time, if no time limit is specified it must be given within a reasonable time.
5. It cannot precede an offer. If the acceptance precedes an offer it is not a valid acceptance and does not result in contract. For example in a company shares were allotted to a person who had not applied for them. Subsequently when he applied for shares, he was un aware of the previous allotment . The allotment of share previous to the application is not valid.
6. Acceptance by the way of conduct.
7. Mere silence is no acceptance. Silence does not per-se amounts to communication- Bank of India Ltd. Vs. Rustom Cowasjee- AIR 1955 Bom. 419 at P. 430; 57 Bom. L.R. 850- Mere silence cannot amount to any assent. It does not even amount to any representation on which any plea of estoppel may be founded, unless there is a duty to make some statement or to do some act free and offer er must be consent
8.Acceptance must be unambiguous and definite.

3. Promise 2(b) :- A Proposal when accepted becomes a promise. In simple words, when an offer is accepted it becomes promise.
4. Promisor and promisee 2(c) :- When the proposal is accepted, the person making the proposal is called as promisor and the person accepting the proposal is called as promisee.
5. Consideration 2(d):- When at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing something or does or abstains from doing something or promises to do or abstain from doing something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise. Price paid by one party for the promise of the other Technical word meaning QUID-PRO-QUO i.e. something in return.

An agreement must be supported by a lawful into both sides. Essentials of valid considerations are
  • It must move at the desire of the promisor. An act constituting consideration must have been done at the desire or request of the promiser. If it is done at the instance of a third party or without the desire of the promisor, it will not be good considsration. For example "A" saves "B"'s goods from fire without being ask him to do so. "A" cannot demand payment for his service.
  • Consideration may move from the promisee or any other person. Under Indian law, consideration may be from the promisee of any other person i.e., even a stranger. This means that as long as there is consideration for the promisee, it is immaterial, who has furnished it.
  • Consideration must be an act, abstinence or forebearance or a returned promise.
  • Consideration may be past, present or future. Past consideration is not consideration according to English law. However it consideration as per Indian law. Example of past consideration is, "A" renders some service to "B" at latter's desire. After a month "B" promises to compensate "A" for service rendered to him earlier. When consideration is given simultaneously with promise, it is said to be present consideration .. For example "A" receives Rs.50/- in return for which he promises to deliver certain goods to "B". The money "A" receives is the present consideration. When consideration to one party to other is to pass subsequently to the maker of the contract, is said to be future consideration. For example. "A" promises to deliver certain goods to "B" after a week. "B" promises to pay the price after a fortnight, such consideration is future.
  • Consideration must be real. Consideration must be real, competent and having some value in the eyes of law. For example "A" promises to put life to "B"'s dead wife, if "B" pay him Rs.1000/-. "A"'s promise is physically impossible of performance hence there is no real consideration.
  • Consideration must be something which the promiser is not already bound to do. A promise to do something what one is already bound to do, either by law, is not a good consideration., since it adds nothing to the previous existing legal consideration.
  • Consideration need not be adequate. Consideration need not be necessarily be equal to value to something given. So long as consideration exists, the courts are not concerned as to adequacy, provided it is for some value.

The consideration or object of an agreement is lawful, unless and until it is:
  1. forbidden by law: If the object or the consideration of an agreement is for doing an act forbidden by law, such agreement are void. for example,"A" promises "B" to obtain an employment in public service and "B" promises to pay Rs one lakh to "A". The agreement is void as the procuring government job through unlawful means is prohibited.
  2. If it involves injury to a person or property of another: For example, "A" borrowed rs.100/- from"B" and executed a bond to work for "B" without pay for a period of 2 years. In case of default, "A" owes to pay the principal sum at once and huge amount of interest. This contract was held void as it involved injury to the person.
  3. If courts regards it as immoral:An agreement in which consideration ir object of which is immoral is void. For example, An agreement between husband and wife for future separation is void.
  4. Is of such nature that, if permitted, it would defeat the provisions of any law:
  5. is fraudulent, or involves or implies injury to the person or property of another, or
  6. Is opposed to public policy. An agreement which tends to be injurious to the public or against the public good is void. For example, agreements of trading with foreign enemy, agreement to commit crime, agreements which interfere with the administration of justice, agreements which interfere with the course of justice, stifling prosecution, maintenance and champerty.
  7. Agreements in restrained of legal proceedings: This deals with two category. One is, agreements restraining enforcement of rights and the other deals with agreements curtailing period of limitation.
  8. trafficking in public offices and titles:agreements for sale or transfer of public offices and title or for procurement of a public recognition like padma vibhushanor padma sree etc. for monetary consideration is unlawful, being opposed to public policy.
  9. Agreements restricting personal liberty: agreements which unduly restricts the personal liberty of parties to it are void as being oppposed by public policy.
  10. Marriage brokerage contact:Agreements to procure marriages for rewards are void under the ground that marriage ought to proceed with free and voluntary decisions of parties.
  11. Agreements interfering marital duties: Any agreement which interfere with performance of marital duty is void being opposed to public policy. An agreement between husband and wife that the wife will never leave her parental house.
  12. consideration may take in any form-money,goods, services, a promise to marry, a promise to forbear etc.
Contract Opposed to Public Policy can be Repudiated by the Court of law even if that contract is beneficial for all of the parties to the contract- What considerations and objects are lawful and what not-Newar Marble Industries Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Rajasthan State Electricity Board, Jaipur, 1993 Cr. L.J. 1191 at 1197, 1198 [Raj.]- Agreement of which object or consideration was opposed to public policy, unlawful and void- – What better and what more can be an admission of the fact that the consideration or object of the compounding agreement was abstention by the board from criminally prosecuting the petitioner-company from offense under Section 39 of the act and that the Board has converted the crime into a source of profit or benefit to itself. This consideration or object is clearly opposed to public policy and hence the compounding agreement is unlawful and void under Section 23 of the Act. It is unenforceable as against the Petitioner-Company.

6. Agreement 2(e) :-  Every promise and set of promises forming the consideration for each other. In short,
agreement = offer + acceptance.
7. Contract 2(h) :- An agreement enforceable by Law is a contract.
Therefore, there must be an agreement and it should be enforceable by law.
Contract = Agreement + Enforceability

8. Void agreement 2(g):- An agreement not enforceable by law is void.
9. Voidable contract 2(i):- An agreement is a voidable contract if it is enforceable by Law at the option of one or more of the parties there to (i.e. the aggrieved party), and it is not enforceable by Law at the option of the other or others.
10. Void contract :- A contract which ceases to be enforceable by Law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable.

Hence, we are discussed on breach of contract. 

What is Breach of contract:-
Breach of contract is a legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or bargained-for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract by non-performance or interference with the other party's performance. If the party does not fulfill his contractual promise, or has given information to the other party that he will not perform his duty as mentioned in the contract or if by his action and conduct he seems to be unable to perform the contract, he is said to breach the contract.

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